This tracts is titled: Don’t Worry. Be Happy! I wrote this tract for my Uncle Bob after my Aunt Barbara died. They were married 34 years and I wanted a tract he could hand out to his older retired friends. When you encourage others, then you yourself will be encouraged. It cheers you up! The tract goes through explaining the gospel. Then it says: God loves you so much, that He sent me to give you this tract, so you would know how much He loves you and you do not need to worry anymore. Fear and worry are closely related because every worry starts as a fear. When we worry, we rotate our minds around and around a problem and come up with no answers. When we worry, we actually torment ourselves with a type of thinking that produces no good fruit. Worry starts with our thoughts, but it affects our moods and even our physical bodies. Worry can cause headaches, muscle tension, and stomach problems. It never helps, and it does not solve our problems. We can worry about hundreds of different things, from what people think of us to what will happen to us as we age. How long will we be able to work? Who will take care of us when we get old? What happens if the stock market crashes? What if I lose my job? Then is says: If you are worried about dying and going to hell, then pray right now to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior and that will relieve you of the biggest fear of all. God loves you and He wants you to stop worrying and place your trust in Him. God has the future all planned, and He knows the answer to every-thing. God's Word promises us that He will take care of us if we trust in Him. Cast your cares on Jesus. He wants you to trust Him with every thought, burden, and worry that you're carrying because He's fully capable of taking care of you ( 1 Peter 5:7). Don’t worry – Be happy!
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