Press Release

Author:  Susan Nazarewicz
Newly Released Book:   I Want to Witness, But What Do I Say?

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                             Christians Must Wake Up and Witness Now                              Before Jesus Comes Again
Press Release (629 downloads)

TULSA, OK – A new book called, “I Want to Witness, But What Do I Say?” has been released that will show Christians how to “get started” witnessing to the lost through using icebreakers that will enable them to easily segue conversations into the Gospel.    In 2013 Barna did a study asking, “Did Christians have a personal responsibility to share their faith with others?”  73% of born again Christians said yes. When this conviction was put into practice, however, the numbers shifted downward. Only 52% of born again Christians said they actually shared the Gospel at least once this past year to someone with different beliefs, in the hope that they might accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.

Author Rev. Susan Nazarewicz says, “These statistics need to change because Jesus is coming sooner than ever and we must pull in the harvest now before it is too late. I think that fear of man and not knowing what to say to segue the conversation into the gospel prevents many Christians from witnessing, but my book makes it easy.”  In Nazarewicz’ 300 page book there are over 400 object evangelism icebreakers to equip Christians to witness wherever they go –  to school, work, restaurants, gas stations, while shopping or at sports events.   She says, “This book will give you courage to witness and compassion for the lost. Pray before you go. Then when you see a potential unbeliever, take an object around you and make a comment about how it reminds you of the gospel in some way.  Jesus did this many times using parables in Matthew 13 and other places as well.  He said many times, ‘The Kingdom of God is like…’”  Here are some examples from her book:

DOOR – “This door reminds me of Jesus, Who is the most important door you will ever walk through because He is the door to eternal life. Have you ever walked through that door?”   WATER – “This water reminds me of the Living Water.  Have you ever had any of that water?”   DOWNLOAD – “Have you ever downloaded Jesus into your heart?  I did once and now I have eternal life in heaven.”   END ZONE –My team’s end zone reminds me of heaven because since Jesus is my Lord, at the end of my life, I’ll be in the heavenly end zone on the winning team. How about you?”   GOLF TEE – “As I drive this golf tee in, it reminds me of the nails that were driven into Jesus’ hands and feet on the cross.”  SALT & PEPPER –These salt and pepper shakers remind me of the Kingdom of darkness and the Kingdom of Light. Do you know which Kingdom you are in?”  WAITING IN LINE –This line is taking so long, it reminds me of eternity.  You know, eternity is a very long time to be spent in the wrong place. Do you know where you will spend eternity?”  SUGAR – “This sugar reminds me of how sweet it is to trust in Jesus.  Psalm 34:8 says, “Oh taste and see that the Lord is good;  Blessed is the man who trusts in Him.”   LAMP – “This light reminds me of Jesus, who is the Light of the world.”   RAIN – “It’s raining outside, but I’m so glad that Jesus reigns in my life on the inside of me.”

After using an icebreaker Nazarewicz encourages:  “to pause and then listen to what they say.  A large part of witnessing is listening to the unbeliever and also listening to what the Holy Spirit would have you say next. I also wrote a chapter called: ‘Truth to Say to 13 false religions,’ which is a big help after you say the icebreaker. There is also a chapter on prophetic evangelism and an alphabetical index of all the icebreakers.  I have many testimonies of people who have gotten saved after I used one of my icebreakers and then witnessed to them.  I want to share these icebreakers that God gave me with the body of Christ so we can get a whole lot of people saved before Jesus comes again.”  Susan and her husband David want to teach “Awake!  I Am Coming” seminars.  You can buy her book, “I Want to Witness, But What Do I Say?” on and her website is:

Book Trailer –