Tract for Suicidal or Depressed Person

The title of this tract says:  “Are You Feeling So Depressed that You Don't Even Feel like Living Anymore?  Then Keep Reading…There is HOPE!”
     The highlights for this tract are:  God loves you and He wants you to live your life as a gift from God.  Jeremiah 29:11 says, God has a plan and a purpose for your life.  Your life is like a a puzzle.  God can see the whole picture from His point of view, but you can only see a few pieces, so trust God that He will put all the pieces together in His timing and in His way. What you’re going through is temporary.   Do not be mad at God.  God is on your side.   Be mad at the devil who influences people’s sinful acts to reject you and hurt you.  The devil is a liar.  It quotes John 10:10.  Remember that God gave everyone a free will.   Forgive those who have hurt you.   Remember Roman’s 12:19;  Vengeance is Mine. I will repay.”
It quotes Mark 11: 25.   Remember Romans 8:28  – All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose.”   Be patient.   Life is like a movie.  Trust in God to bring about your happy ending.   You are not a failure.   Because God is God,  He can make plan B  even better than what plan A ever would have been.
 God never fails.  Choose to live for the Lord.   Friends come and go.   Divorce happens. Parents and children can prematurely die, so we cannot live for them.   Our true purpose is to live for the Lord.   God needs you.   The Harvest is plenteous and the laborers are few.  Love people and witness to the lost.   Overcome evil with good.   There is a Salvation prayer on the back and space to put your Church’s name, address, pastors name, service times, website, email and phone.
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