The title of this tract says: “This is How Much Jesus Loves You”. I titled it this way because many times I start out the conversation: “Do you know how much Jesus loves you?” If they do not know or do not have time to talk with me, then I give them this tract. It explains how much Jesus loves you (or them). It says, first of all you must understand the tragic problem that He solved for all mankind. Adam and Eve in the garden disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit. This grieved God because He had to kick them out of the garden because of their sin. This created a wall or a gap between Adam and Eve and God because God cannot look upon sin because He is holy. So Adam and Eve and their descendants were destined to suffer in the fiery tormenting place called hell for all eternity. This is the tragic problem. The only way for the gap between them to be bridged is if their sins were forgiven or paid for. Hebrews 9:22 says there’s no forgiveness of sins without the shedding of blood. So in the Old Testament for 4000 years the High Priest shed the blood of rams, goats and lambs for the israelites’ sins. The high priest had a relationship with God, but God wanted that relationship with everyone, not just the priest In four steps of the following is the good news of the Gospel:
Step 1: God’s Purpose, Peace & Life…God loves you and He wants you to experience peace and life – abundance and eternal
Step 2: The Problem-Our Separation from God
Step 3: God's Bridge: the Cross of Jesus Christ
Step 4- Our Response-Receive Jesus Christ We must trust Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and receive Him by personal invitation thru a Salvation prayer.
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