
I hope you use these tracts and hand them out to lots of people!

Instructions for the Downloaded  Tracts:

Read about them and then decide which tract or tracts you want to download. Type in your name and e-mail address in the form below the description of each tract.

When you receive the download link in your e-mail,  open the download.

Both pages will be together in the same download. On page 1 of the tract, you will see  the salvation prayer on the back in the middle and under that, blanks for church information that you need to  fill in and personalize:     Church name and address, Pastor’s name, service times, website and phone, etc.   On the far right is the title page of the tract.

The second page you do not need to do anything to.  Page 2  is essentially, “the middle of the tract” or panels 2, 3 and 4.    I made all these tracts using Microsoft Word, so if you do not have MS Word, then you may have to convert them in order to use them.

How to Prepare your Downloaded Tract to Make it Ready To Go
1.  On the page that has the salvation prayer, change the info under that and type in your church, your pastor’s name and the church address and website and service times.
2.  Save it to your computer….and remember where you saved it.
3.  Print it out.
4.  Take both pages to a copier and make  both pages double sided.  (Make as many copies as you want.)   There will be two tracts per page.
5.  Cut it in half in the middle and then you will see, that you have two tracts per page.
6.  Fold the tracts in thirds or  tri-fold both tracts, so that the cover page is on top and the Salvation Prayer with your Church info is on the back.
THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!   I will pray for a harvest of souls for every downloaded tract.

Do You Know How Much Jesus Loves You? Tract – both pages   I personally use this tract a lot  – I ask:  “Do you know how much Jesus loves you?”   And if they do not know and I do not have time to talk, I say,  “I do not have time to explain it all, but this will tell you how much Jesus loves you” and give them this tract because many times I witness on the go.  Both pages are in one download.

Name *

Email *

for-everyone1-bridge-tract-1              for-everyone-bridge-tract-2     This is another salvation message tract using the bridge method with pictures.  My husband likes it.

Name *

Email *

homeless-tract-pamphlet-tulsa-shelters-and-food-banks-listed-2-pages    Just what it says. If you live in Tulsa, I encourage you to copy this tract and hand it out to the homeless because it lists 7 homeless shelters and over 40 churches that give away groceries/ food.

pro-life-tract-1                                            pro-life-tract-2  This I made upon request.  Perfect for anyone considering an abortion

tract-for-homosexuals-pge-1               tract-for-homosexuals-pge-2  This one I made for those struggling with same sex attractions.  The title page says – “Do you have questions about your relationships?”   and it helps the person walk through the process of inner healing to break free from the lies and “come out straight.”

tract-for-drinkers-page-1                       tract-for-drinkers-page-2       This is for those who have a problems with drinking, but on the front it says:  “12 Tips for Drinkers”  so they will not refuse it right away thinking that it is a gospel tract.

tract-for-prisoners-page-1                    tract-for-prisoners-page-2    This is perfect for prison ministry purposes.

suicidal-person-tract-page-1               suicidal-person-tract-page-2  This is for anyone who is very depressed or contemplating suicide

gambling-tract-1                                      gambling-tract-2   This is for those who have a gambling problems.  Tips on Gambling.

tract-for-jews-1                                          tract-for-jews-2-prophecies    This is to reach out to Jews and I listed several prophecies in this tract to reveal Jesus as the Messiah.

salvation-by-blood-1-poem                salv-by-blood-poem-tract-2      This is a really cool poem that I wrote and put in this tract that begins with Adam and Eve  and tells the gospel story all the way to Jesus Christ and it all rhymes!

picking-up-the-pieces-after-tornado-1                      picking-up-the-pieces-after-tornado-2   I made this tract for the tornado victims in Moore, OK a few years ago.  It is comforting and encouraging.

so-many-crazy-ways-to-die-tract-1                              so-many-crazy-ways-to-die-tract-2                 This is a rap tract aimed toward the youth and it all rhymes.  It would be cool if a real rapper would read and rap it and record it on an album and put it on Christian radio!

st-patrick-bridge-tract-1                       st-patrick-bridge-tract-2   I made this tract to reach out to those who hit the bars for St Patricks’s Day.