This report was on Twitter – it is Jovan Pulitzer’s Report for US Congress. It has since been removed, but a reporter from the World Tribune grabbed hold of it. The US Congress and the US Senate needs to be greatly interested in this! Jovan Pulitzer put it on Twitter and it was available for anyone to download and so I downloaded it to my phone, so that is how I got it. But since then Twitter has taken it down to erase the evidence of Election fraud so I uploaded it here to my own website to preserve it. I am a patriotic American and I do not want our Republic to end nor the Chinese to take over our country.
Here is Jovan Pulitzer’s election fraud investigation report (the U.S. Congress was not interested)
Here is the PDF link to the same report. It might be easier to read here:
Congressional_Election_Fraud_Briefing_4JAN2021+(1) (1)